Thursday, February 20, 2014


If you are going to ask me how good I am at baking well, I’m just good at following instructions and picturing of what I am baking.

It was a craving reason why I ended up baking ensaymada today, I can’t remember since when I had this bread. I started to search online for the ingredients but seems mostly posted pictures are bought by people or from the famous bakery in the Philippines.

Ensaymada is fluffy and soft bread, topped with melted butter, sprinkled sugar and some with grated cheese. In my childhood, this my afternoon snack matches with juice in a clear plastic bag with a straw.
This recipe cost me 13 dollars, to make a long distance call to my mom and talked to my one uncle who used to be a baker back home. I asked what and how the procedure of making this bread. I’m so glad I got that expensive information, instructions and so on. 

And here it is, proudly presents Ensaymada all the way from the Philippines!


5 cups all-purpose flour
1 ½ tsp. salt
3 tsp. active yeast
½ cup sugar
4 large all-purpose
evaporated milk
5 Tbsp. butter
¼ cup water
extra butter-for topping
grated cheddar cheese-for topping
3 Tbsp. sugar-for topping


1. Dissolve yeast in water. Set aside.
2. In a mixing bowl, sift flour, sugar and salt.
3. Add the egg, milk and the yeast mixture. Mix well to incorporate ingredients and to form dough.
4. Pour in the melted butter, mix well to blend.
5. Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover it with plastic and let it rise for 15-20 minutes.
6. Once the rising process is done, the dough will be in bigger size. Give a punch, knead and cut the dough.
7. Make a long log shape by rolling on a greased flat surface. Roll the log in coil shape, and brush it with melted butter.
8. Arrange the rolled dough in a greased baking pan, and set it for another 15 minutes to rise.
9. Preheat oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit and bake it for 20-25 minutes.
10. Let it cool and spread butter on top, sprinkle with sugar and grated cheese.
11. Enjoy.

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